MycorrPlus Ingredients

Low Sodium Sea Minerals
Fish and Kelp
Humic and Fulvic Acids
70 Aerobic Bacteria
Mycorrhizal Fungi


  • Trace minerals are crucial for all life. every disease of plant, animal, and humans can be traced back to a mineral deficiency
  • Many of the trace minerals are no longer found in our depleted soils
  • Contains the perfect balance of minerals in an available form where soil and fresh water do not
  • Plants will take a trace mineral and install a carbon atom so humans and animals can better absorb the minerals
  • If available in the soil, grass will pick up approximately 90 essential minerals
  • A plant will make dangerous substitutions if the proper minerals are not available. The plant will look healthy, but it is a sick plant propped up with synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, and, insecticides


  • Increases natural sugars in fruits and vegetables
  • Rarely will you find disease or sapping insects in a plant when the brix of a plant reaches 12
  • Provides stronger color and more vigor to plants


  • Increased plant nutrient uptake
  • Increased root growth
  • Improve soil structure


  • A source of energy for the micro organisms


  • These unpaid workers of the soil can take anything apart, even the bed of a truck all in good time
  • Fixes nitrogen into the soil
  • Aggregates the soil and restores structure
  • Fights parasites and disease
  • Helps fungi feed the plant
  • Produces water as a byproduct of respiration
  • Anaerobic soils and chemical applications kill these beneficial bacteria.
  • We desperately need these microbes to restore structure to the soil


  • Forms a membrane between the plant and soil. This gives the plant the ability to select the nutrients it takes up and gives it the ability to leave behind or even excludes toxic ions like aluminum, cadmium and lead.
  • Forms a network between plants, soil bacteria, and other plants. Plants can communicate with each other via messages sent through these networks. (for example, if a plant needs calcium and the only available calcium is 50 ft to the left the fungi can funnel it over.)
  • Help bacteria break down crop residues, cover crops, and manure and turn it into organic matter
  • Has the ability to break up rock to make minerals in the soil available to plants
  • Soils are often toxic and out of balance and plants are left to function hydroponically. They simply suck up water from the soil and whatever minerals are in the soil including aluminum, cadmium, and lead
  • Herbicides, pesticides, nematicides, fungicides, excessive fertilizer, or excessive tillage kills off these helpful fungi. It is a no-brainer that something designed to kill things is going to do just that
  • MycorrPlus helps to recreate conditions in the soil where mycorhizae can thrive.

Horses pictured have been raised with grass & hay from pasture fertilized with MyCorrPlus